Wednesday 18 February 2009

Patrick Swayze - an inspiration.

It's pretty late here in England, just finished watching a Barbara Walters interview with Patrick Swayze. I do envy American Television in that we got to wait for a while before we can see stuff.

Such a moving interview, had me in tears at points. I can remember going myself to see "Ghost", "Roadhouse" and "Dirty Dancing" in the cinema in my younger days, seems so long ago. Bring back happy memories.

To the interview, was inspiring to watch, with moments of sadness, moments of determination from Mr Swayze, that he won't let the disease beat him. His wife of 33 years, Lisa, by his side. Looking at him, its hard not to say that he does look unwell, knowing that it is unoperable due to it spreading to his liver. I just pray that the remainder of his life is comfortable and painfree. He has the love of his wife to see him through, should not forget that she is suffering as well at the thought of losing him.

I don't have religion in my life, too hectic to devote time and thought to it. I will say a little prayer tonight before sleep for Mr Swayze, his family and for anyone in this world that has cancer. Unsure if it will help, but you never know someone up there might be listening and decide its about time a cure was given to us.

Peace and Love

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